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Microbial Process Development

With dozens of processes successfully transferred to GMP manufacturing, GTP Bioways has a recognised agility in developing efficient, robust and scalable microbial bioprocesses.

GTP Bioways CDMO - CMC Development

Expert CDMO in microbial process development

GTP Bioways is a science-driven CDMO with strong development expertise. We know that the time spent developing a robust and efficient process is an investment into the future success of your biotherapeutic programme and we will always focus on developing the best process for your specific molecule.

With our unique know-how combined with a strong commitment to projects, we are able to solve challenging issues on very short timelines. We are happy to take on all protein process development projects, even those that do not fall under well-established standards.

protein projects

An expert team at your service

Our team combines a deep scientific knowledge of proteins with extensive experience in process development acquired through over 1,500 projects managed and more than 800 different proteins produced.

Cell line Development process

Custom microbial upstream process development

Our team has 20 years’ experience developing upstream processes with the most prominent microbial strains (E. coli, P. pastoris). We have successfully developed processes for a variety of proteins such as enzymes, cytokines, antigens, DNA binding proteins and antibody fragments using all expression strategies: cytoplasmic, periplasmic, refolding of inclusions bodies or secretion into the media.

Whether your project requires full upstream process development from scratch or the optimisation of an existing process, we will design an adapted development approach to match your requirements. In each case, we will focus on developing a high-yielding, robust and scalable fermentation process.

A range of capacities for microbial process development

Our fermentation facilities host equipment suited to all stages of the development process: from 2 to 5L fermenters for process optimisation, to 50L SIP fermenters for pilot production.

Expert team in downstream process development

With experience gained on hundreds of proteins, our scientists have developed rarely matched purification skills enabling them to solve challenging purification issues to ensure the success of your programme.

Our team has a strong know-how in developing purification processes from the most prominent microbial hosts. Whether your protein is produced in the periplasm, cytoplasm or into inclusion bodies, we will develop an efficient, robust and scalable process, optimising each step from cell lysis and extraction to polishing and formulation.

GTP Bioways CDMO - Bioconjugates Analytical Development

Discover more about GTP Bioways services

Microbial manufacturing

GMP Manufacturing


Analytics & Formulation


Fill & Finish